Sunday, August 14, 2011

Isn't it redicules how republicans attack R. Byrds kkk past in his youth, even though he changed his life?

There is a lot of hypocritical situations and people in politics! This is one example where issues are dividing us farther apart as a nation and society. Byrd has changed his life by an extreme measure. What happened 40 or 50 years ago that is now irrelevant shouldn't have any bearing on his life or his current record of accomplishments. I see your point about certain Tea Party advocates. Many are like attack ants over the shell of a dead beetle. There isn't much there, but they will continue to attack it until it's totally decimated. Character inations largely is a technique that those without real solutions to the issues will use to win elections. That's a shame in a country that has so much in terms of resources and intelligence to look for new solutions to old problems. We should all focus on solving problems, not causing more by our prejudices and trumped up fears.

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