Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can anyone name just 5 things Obama has acomplished in almost 2 years in office?

In his Speech he said he has created jobs. shouldn't the jobless numbers be going down instead of up? Why did he not tell Us that for the second year in a row since he took office People on Social Security would not be getting the annual Cost Of Living Increase while the Government Employees and Congress got theirs. Why did he not tell Us about the .40 cent per gallon federal Gas tax that is coming. Why have we not yet been told how much the Obama Tax Increase will be starting Jan 1st.Why did he not tell Us why they did not vote on extending the Bush Tax Cut after promising it would be voted on before congress went on recess. Why does it sound like he is begging Us to stand with him this election without proving we have a reason to do so. Why does he have to yell like a Sunday Preacher to convince someone to vote Democrat in Nov. Does it sound to you that he is desperate.

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